Porn-Not is an attempt to take out of the Porn what’s made it Porn to begin with.
Van Go
The project is an homage to the artist Vincent van Gogh.
Fly a Kite
Displayed on a street fence, the work encouraged city residents surrounded by tall buildings that hide the sky, to go out and have a whimsical experience.
Post Holidays
This wrapped box that has two conflicted sides to it, depicts a societal juxtaposition between the “haves” and the “have-nots”.
Rain Forest
Viewers were encouraged to pull strings that created a shower of leaves, calling for the protection of the rain forest. The calls were actually printed on paper, a product of trees.
Last Gesture
I painted florescent pink several ruins in the streets of Shanghai, China. The project created a dialogue between exposed walls and decorations that were meant to occupy the interior and now became the exterior.
Terror Is Terror Is Terror
Students in two colleges were requested to burst black balloons, using small pins. Some stopped, comparing the sound to a shot gun, a thought that popped in their mind because of the September 11th events.
Sign and Signature
Acrylic paintings, installed on galvanized posts, were temporarily displayed outdoor in areas suited for street signs, or to hide the original signs.
I took a 100 Empty Sacks Around Nebraska City
Applying glue to a 100 burlap sacks made them look like open vessels. Placed in different locations, they somehow changed their look and perception.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
This project comments on the violence implicit in our culture and calls attention to the subject of ecology.